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Welcome to the Alternative Education Schools Library

Our Library is open to all students of the Alternative Education Center (AEC) and we have a
great assortment of books of various genres and reading levels. 
    Did you know that parents can have a library account too? 
Feel free to stop by the library to create a parent account. Parents can check out up to 5 books for 3weeks at a time.
Students can check out up to 3 books for 3 weeks at a time.
If you need help with your Chromebook or Hotspot, please don't hesitate to contact me. 
Monday - Friday 8:00 am - 2:30 pm
Heidi McLenithan
Library Media Tech
[email protected]
(805) 769-1620 ext. 51573
Bienvenidos a la Biblioteca de Escuelas de Educación Alternativa

Nuestra Biblioteca está abierta a todos los estudiantes del Centro de Educación Alternativa (AEC) y contamos con una Gran variedad de libros de varios géneros y niveles de lectura.
    ¿Sabías que los padres también pueden tener una cuenta en la biblioteca?
No dude en pasar por la biblioteca para crear una cuenta para padres. Los padres pueden sacar hasta 5 libros, durante 3 semanas. Los estudiantes pueden sacar hasta 3 libros durante 3 semanas a la vez.

Si necesita ayuda con su Chromebook o Hotspot, no dude en ponerse en contacto conmigo.
Lunes - Viernes 8:00 am - 2:30 pm
Heidi McLenithan
Tecnología de medios de biblioteca
[email protected]
(805) 769-1620 extensión. 51573
Excerpt from Student Handbook:
Students are issued all required textbooks and a Chromebook free of charge through the school. It is the student’s responsibility to return the same book/device at the completion of the course/year in as good a condition as possible, less normal “wear and tear.” Should a textbook or Chromebook be lost, stolen, misplaced, or damaged beyond normal use, it is the student’s responsibility to pay for a replacement (see technology contract for devices). When textbooks are found and returned to the school, the cost of the replacement is refunded. Parents can request to be put on a payment plan to replace lost or stolen textbooks. The school will issue a new book(s) prior to the parent/student replacing the lost/stolen book. Students are not eligible for graduation activities with outstanding fines. 
Excerpt from CA Ed. Code  


EC Section 48904(a)(1) holds parents or guardians responsible for the cost of replacing a textbook that is willfully defaced or not returned:

…the parent or guardian of any minor…who willfully cuts, defaces, or otherwise injures in any way any property, real or personal, belonging to a school district or private school, or personal property of any school employee, shall be liable for all damages so caused by the minor. The liability of the parent or guardian shall not exceed ten thousand dollars ($10,000). The parent or guardian shall also be liable for the amount of any reward not exceeding ten thousand dollars ($10,000) paid pursuant to Section 53069.5 of the Government Code. The parent or guardian of a minor shall be liable to a school district or private school for all property belonging to the school district or private school loaned to the minor and not returned upon demand of an employee of the district or private school authorized to make the demand.

Thus wear or damage to instructional materials through ordinary use, or from manufacturing defect, would not apply.

EC Section 48904 (b)(1) allows schools to withhold student grades, diploma and transcripts:

Any school district or private school whose real or personal property has been willfully cut, defaced, or otherwise injured, or whose property is loaned to a pupil and willfully not returned upon demand of an employee of the district or private school authorized to make the demand may, after affording the pupil his or her due process rights, withhold the grades, diploma, and transcripts of the pupil responsible for the damage until the pupil or the pupil's parent or guardian has paid for the damages thereto…

EC Section 48904 (b)(2) provides the process:

The school district or private school shall notify the parent or guardian of the pupil in writing of the pupil's alleged misconduct before withholding the pupil's grades, diploma, or transcripts pursuant to this subdivision. When the minor and parent are unable to pay for the damages, or to return the property, the school district or private school shall provide a program of voluntary work for the minor in lieu of the payment of monetary damages. Upon completion of the voluntary work, the grades, diploma, and transcripts of the pupil shall be released.